Crystal, The Parenting Coach

Parenting Calm Confident Kids That You Love To Be Around

Crystal, The Parenting Coach

Parenting Calm Confident Kids That You Love To Be Around





Crystal the parenting coach sitting on a rock by a lake

Imagine walking down a path, “The Parenting Journey Path”… you’re following the road signs and you see a sign that tells you exactly where to go, so you follow it.

Crystal the parenting coach sitting on a rock by a lake

As you continue further down this path, there are more and more signs… all pointing in different directions, eventually you get confused and stuck, and pause, unsure of which sign to follow.

We live in a world of opinions. Ideas. Information. Noise really… SO MUCH NOISE. Noise that blocks out the Truth.

The Truth is that you are an amazing parent, with innate Wisdom for your unique children and family. There is SO much goodness inside of you- and when you can see it… you know the path.

The answers aren’t outside of you- they are inside.

YOU are your own parenting expert.


You might not be able to believe that right now. In Parent School I will guide you to uncover anything blocking you from your unique path- your journey in parenting and in life.

Parent School will radically transform your parenting. Your work starts here, unblocking your own expertise. You will be amazed at what changes when you do this.

Imagine walking down a path, “The Parenting Journey Path”… you’re following the road signs and you see a sign that tells you exactly where to go, so you follow it.

As you continue further down this path, there are more and more signs… all pointing in different directions, eventually you get confused and stuck, and pause, unsure of which sign to follow.

We live in a world of opinions. Ideas. Information. Noise really… SO MUCH NOISE. Noise that blocks out the Truth.

The Truth is that you are an amazing parent, with innate Wisdom for your unique children and family. There is SO much goodness inside of you- and when you can see it… you know the path.

The answers aren’t outside of you- they are inside.

YOU ARE YOUR OWN PARENTING EXPERT, for all of your children, at every age and stage (even into adulthood).


You might not feel super confident in that right now, but you will, I can help. In Parent School I will guide you to uncover anything blocking you from your unique path- your journey in parenting and in life. 

Parent School will radically transform your parenting. Your work starts here, unblocking your own expertise. You will be amazed at what changes will come (in your kids too).


Becoming Your Own Parenting Expert Is Completely Possible


I'm the Parenting Coach, helping YOU to LOVE spending time with your AMAZING kids. My approach is a unique combination of life coaching, somatic work, and connection-based parenting. 

Whether you struggle with teens, big emotions, managing screen time, or sibling rivalry... this program is for you. Even if you already have an amazing connection with your kiddos, you'll truly lean into your own parenting expert-power here. 

Join me as we increase your confidence and trust in the parenting skills you already have and help you to turn inward for answers. You'll be amazed at the changes you'll see in your kids, as we focus inward, instead of on changing them. Let's make parenting simple, and love the kids we have. 


You're in the right place.

You're not alone.

The effort is worth the reward. 


"It will take just one generation choosing gentle, compassionate, respectful parenting to change the world for all future generations. Let's do our part to change the world, one little heart at a time."

- L.R. Knost

Change Starts Here

Discover your own unique path, with confidence… raising emotionally intelligent children that leave your home knowing that you truly, deeply care for them… that you always have, and you always will.


Isn’t that what we all want deep down?


That is my goal for me, and for you… and for the future generation for children we are raising. For them to be seen. To be heard. To be valued. To feel loved. To feel supported. To feel known. To welcome them to be themselves- fully and completely. This is The Work. I am here for it. 

Welcome to Parent School


  • Leave the scripts and how-to's behind and get to the root of parenting challenges: why we're triggered by our kid's behaviours and how to heal

  • Increase your parental intuition: lean into your own personal authority and create parenting solutions as unique as the child they're for

  • Ditch the outside opinions of what your parenting "should" be like, and parent in your unique way: living life in your own way, with confidence and ease

  • Understand how to utilize you and your partner's unique strengths in parenting, even when they are different (they usually are)

Client Stories


Before Coaching… I knew I was a good mom, but I wasn’t doing all the things that I wanted to be doing in parenting. Things sometimes felt like a burden. I knew it was time to turn things around. I was reading all the (parenting) books everyone told me to read- and it didn’t feel like it fit for me.
Now… I do it differently now than a lot of the books say, but I feel way more connected to my kids. I trust myself instead of “the books”. I feel like I know what to do. I have more compassion for myself and for my children. I feel way more at peace when I go to bed every night. I feel more confident in my life in general.

Listen to her full journey on the podcast: CLICK HERE.

Listen to another client story - on the podcast
How 1 mom decreased meltdowns and increased connection

A little about me...


I'm a Certified Professional Life Coach, a mother of 4, a lifelong learner, leader, homeschooler, adventurer, and avid reader. I am committed to building connection in every area of my life... starting from within. 

For over a decade I have studied the works of professionals like Brené Brown, Sue Monk Kidd, Gordon Neufeld, Deborah MacNamara, and dozens of other experts who chose a route other than the norm. 

I have a degree in psychology, a certification through The Life Coach School, and am Dare to Lead certified (Brené Brown). I have helped dozens of women (and couples) through parenting challenges of all shapes and sizes... centered in connection, emotional work and intuition. 

You can parent calm, confident
children, that you love to be
around... at all ages.

...and chances are, if you love to be around them, they'll love to be around you too.

Parent School is $2500 for 6 months, and includes...

Voxer access. A Unique way to get on-the-go support through a walk-talkie app. Group audio, video and text messaging.

Join a community of parents going through similar challenges, and find support and guidance.

Workshops and coaching calls designed to help you with the Inner Work (all the muck that keeps us stuck from parenting how we want to). 


How is this different from other programs? 


1) Don't join if you're looking for someone to tell you what to do (scripts, mantras, ways to connect etc.). What we do is help you tap into your inner magic- you have unique parenting skills already. We all have intuition, and with some guidance, this will become your superpower. I won't be telling you what to DO, but guiding you to uncover your answers.


2) Most parenting support focuses on what we should DO (spend more time with our kids, say certain phrases to them, look them in the eyes while we talk etc.). These are what I call "bandaid solutions". We don't need others to tell us what to do, we need to discover it for ourselves. This work of re-parenting is all about uncovering triggers so that you can be emotionally responsive and teach your kids how to be also. This is much more subconscious work, than conscious thought-work.


3) When parenting in your own individual way, it's common to feel like others aren't on board (and maybe even judging your parenting a little bit). We'll work on getting clarity and confidence- so you can be YOU with gusto- not worrying about others. 


What Parent School Looks Like

Starting date will be determined later. Investment is $2500 for this 6-month program.


6 Workshops to help you feel more confident in your parenting and life. This is where the teaching will happen. The workshops will be around 1.5 hours and will be uniquely catered to each group and your needs.


Group Coaching

Integration of what we're learning is the MOST important thing. These calls will be for the subconscious part- really helping us to do the healing necessary to re-parent ourselves and show up as the parents we want to. We will schedule these intuitively, when needed, and likely happen 6 times or more.


Member Area

Even if you miss some calls- integration and learning happen every step of the way. Past participants noticed significant changes even when they were able only to watch recordings. You'll get access to all of the recordings (as long as the program runs). 



You'll have access to an amazing community of parents, dedicated to this journey, just like you. Come join us, and be held as you re-parent yourself from the inside out. The community will be LIVE over Voxer (a walkie-talkie app, where I'll coach you on ANYTHING Monday-Friday). This ALONE is invaluable and will be well worth your investment.


 Workshop classes may include...

Thoughts & The Power of Our Mind, and Self-Concept

Thoughts create our feelings and fuel our actions. Thoughts are the basis of all sustainable change, but are hard to change when we don't address our self-concept first. This is where we'll start.

Becoming Shame Resilient (triggers)

Some thoughts are easier to change than others. "I'm a terrible mom" or "Maybe I'm adding to generational trauma, not healing it" can feel really painful. Shame can be healed and moved through, but it takes much more than just thought-work. We will understand our unique triggers, and do the subconscious work needed to heal them and move forward.

Emotional Regulation

One of the most common struggles we have as parents is feeling our emotions, without reacting to them. This is also one of the top skills we want to teach our children. We will dive into emotions, where they come from, and how to support ourselves emotionally first (and then help our kids). 

Intuition and Self-Trust

We are our own secret superpower. We all have parental intuition (and life intuition). We are tuned out, as a society, of our own inner power and authority. We'll dig into self-trust, and inner magic (intuition) and learn how to create unique and amazing solutions in our parenting.

Teaching Through Connection

When we parent through force (rewards, yelling, bribes, punishment) we don't create the type of future relationship we're looking for, and our kids don't listen and respond well, over time. Learning how to harness the power of connection, instead of coercion, will heal our relationships and improve our children's behavior over time as well. 

Crystal sitting cross legged on couch
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